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Reverse Osmosis
Mechanical Filtration
Ion Exchange
Activated Carbon

The First Step

The first step toward solving a suspected water quality problem is having your water analyzed by your local health department or a reputable laboratory. A water analysis not only verifies whether a water quality problem exists, but is also essential to determine the most appropriate solution to the problem.

 Every problem has a solution.  Every solution involves some maintenance.

  • Distillation - Is the process which converts water to steam and then condenses it back to water. Thereby removing all bacteria and many organic and inorganic compounds.  Read on about Distillation to learn the pro's and con's of using this process.
  • Reverse Osmosis(RO) - Is the process of driving water through a membrane which is so fine that almost nothing but water will pass through this membrane. Read on about RO to learn the pro's and con's of using this process.
  • Mechanical Filtration - At the home use and small food service level there are the mechanical entrapment of particles  Examples of the first process are paper, porcelain and sand filters. 
  • Ion Exchange - There are several types of Ion filters and they go by many names, the most common and familiar of these is the water softener read on about filtration to learn how ion "filters" work.
  • Activated Carbon - Activated carbon particles trap contaminants as water flows through the filter.
  • Oxidation - Oxidants such as chlorine may be used to treat some organics and many viruses.  Read on about oxidation to learn more.
  • Radiation - Water of sufficient clarity can be treated for bacteria and viruses with Ultra Violet Light.

Are there minerals missing from distilled and RO water that my body needs?
There are two sources of minerals: organic and inorganic. Our bodies cannot easily assimilate minerals that come from an inorganic source such as the water we drink. Our bodies receive the minerals they assimilate from organic sources such as the food we eat. Green, leafy vegetable, meat, and dairy products are all good sources. Essentially only plants use inorganic minerals directly.  Animals and humans are not capable of processing inorganic minerals directly.  We are, however, able to be contaminated by some of these minerals...  The USA has had nuclear submarines and warships which go out for extended periods of time.  These vessels do not carry enough water for their voyage but "manufacture" water through RO and Distillation.  Much research has been done on the health affects of this processed water!

Does distilled and RO water leach minerals from my body?
Distilled water is the purest form of water. Pure water does absorb discarded minerals and with the assistance of the blood and lymph, transports them to the kidneys for elimination. It is this kind of mineral elimination that is incorrectly referred to as 'leaching'. The thought that distilled and RO water leaches minerals from the body is inaccurate. Distilled water does not leach out body minerals, it collects and removes minerals which have been rejected by the cells and tissues, which if not evacuated, can cause arterial obstruction, arthritic deposits and other potentially serious bodily damage.  

Does distilled and RO water taste flat or funny?
Distilled and RO water primarily tastes different because we don't compare apples to apples.  Distilled and RO water is usually tasted (consumed) at room temperature is de-oxygenated.  Cooling the water and shaking it to re-oxygenate it will close the difference.   People who make this claim have normally only tried room temperature distilled or RO water that may have been sitting on a shelf in a plastic jug for months. Distilled and RO water is actually tasteless. There is a lack of flavor may take a short while to get used to, but once you get accustomed to drinking water tap water may become offensive to you.  Tap water has additives, and it is the additives and dissolved minerals which you taste. 

Hints and Suggestions:

Aeration:  Simple aerators on the end of faucets sometimes have a significant effect on improving taste. Aeration and oxidation usually remove odors and improve tastes only if volatile substances are removed. Carbon dioxide, methane, and hydrogen sulphide are the most common gases that are removed by aeration.  Radon gas may also be treated with aeration. Aeration can be used for the precipitation and removal of iron and manganese.  

Storage:  Water stored in a tank or cistern may be contaminated through numerous vectors. The most common entry point, other than pathogens introduced along with the water, is the vent. Even the very pure water produced by a Reverse Osmosis or Distillation will become contaminated if steps are not taken to ensure its continued purity.

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Last modified: January 12, 2023